Oregon Executive Order 20-13 Banning Evictions for 90 days
By Tiffany Laviolette - Thursday, April 2, 2020
New Executive Order 20-13
Greetings - I wanted to keep you updated on the new rules as it comes to managing your property during this COVID-19 crisis. I was talking to someone earlier today, and it feels like we are in a movie. I'm just waiting for my big paycheck and royalties to kick in!
NEW EXECUTIVE ORDER Governor Brown did it again. She wasn't happy with her Executive Order 20-11. issued on March 22, 2020 banning evictions. So yesterday, she created a new Executive Order 20-13.
This new Executive Order states, in part, that:
landlords of residential properties in Oregon shall not, for reason of nonpayment as defined in paragraph l(b) of this Executive Order, terminate any tenant's rental agreement; take any action, judicial or otherwise, relating to residential evictions pursuant to or arising under ORS 105.105 through 105.168, including, without limitation, filing, serving, delivering or acting on any notice, order or writ of termination or the equivalent; or otherwise interfere in any way with such tenant's right to possession of the tenant's dwelling unit.
Landlords are prohibited from serving notices relating to non-payment. No late fees can be assessed. Missteps under this Order are now a crime! (This also covers commercial properties).
This order is valid for the next 90 days, unless it is lifted earlier.
LATE FEES Regarding late fees, For 120 days after the CARES Act date of enactment, landlords with mortgages backed by the U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other federal entities cannot pursue eviction for their tenants. Landlords also can't charge any fees or penalties related to nonpayment of rent.
No late fees for 90 days per State of Oregon
No late fees for 120 days for Federally backed mortgages
No eviction filings for 90 days per State of Oregon
No eviction filings for 120 days for Federally backed mortgages
Stay safe Stay healthy Stay optimistic We will get through this together!
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."